Active Physical Therapists featured in the Kineso Newsletter

Kinesio News Letter – December 13, 2016

Kinesio News Letter
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
“Healthy tissue fluids are like clear streams of water; they move easily.”
-Dr. Kenzo Kase
CKTPs  Excel at Events in their Local Areas
Here’s one example!   Jaime Green writes:
On September 2nd 2016, the expo for the 7th annual Marquette Marathon, ½ Marathon, and 5K race was held in Marquette, MI. In total 1,100 runners were registered and enjoyed a scenic run through the beautiful upper peninsula of Michigan. The course boasts an elevation drop of 1037 feet  for the marathon and is one of the fastest Boston qualifying courses. It is gaining popularity and bringing lots of visitors to the area. 
We were fortunate enough to have a booth to discuss the purposes and benefits of using Kinesio Taping with many of the athletes and some of their family members too. We had two CKTPs on hand from 5-9 pm and were able to help  and tape multiple people the night prior to their event. This served a dual purpose in helping us to promote our business and also helping to educate and promote Kinesio Taping as a treatment option for these athletes. 
Event support is part of your CKTP Elite membership.
Contact us for information  at

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