Active Physical Therapy is proud to feature Kristy Kerkela and Kristin Andreae, who carry the prestigious SCS certification. To become a Sports Certified Specialist, applicants must first be a licensed physical therapist, have certification as an emergency responder, licensed as an emergency medical technician, paramedic, or certification or licensure as an Athletic Trainer. An applicant must show evidence of 2,000 hours of direct patient care in the specialty area only, 500 of which are in the last 3 years, and 100 hours of which are athletic venue coverage with at least 50% in contact sports. An applicant can also participate in completion of a sports residency program (typically 1 year long) at an accredited clinical residency.

Once accepted and approved for the next step, the applicant must sit for and pass the written exam for specialization which tests advanced knowledge and skills. The exam is only provided once a year and is typically 200 questions in 4 1.5 hour test blocks to complete.
To maintain the SCS, specialists must show 200 hours of direct patient care in years 3, 6, and 9 of the 10 year cycle and then take a 100 question exam after the 10th year to continue with certification with all the above requirements.
In order to receive specialized care from our SCS certified staff, please call our Ishpeming location at (906)-204-7400