Pain while Running? Consider a Running Assessment.

Do you have lower body pain when running?  Have you tried “everything” and are not getting better?  If you can answer yes to these questions…you should consider having a running assessment done.  

What does a running assessment involve?

A running assessment is done through video taping you running for a short time (10-15 minutes) on the treadmill at a pace you are comfortable with.  The recording is then analyzed using normalized values for knee angles, foot positions and body alignment. Most often running assessments are done when a runner is having pain or has an injury and after the assessment a personalized plan of care can be given to you to address the issues.  

What happens after an assessment?

After a running assessment is done, and you are given a personalized plan of care, and exercises to help you become a more efficient runner and work towards running pain free.  You are sent home to work on the weaknesses seen in the video for 1-2 weeks. After that period of time we would see you back to reassess and check on progress.

IMPORTANT: Running assessments do not have to be done only when you are having pain.  They can be used to help you become a more efficient runner.

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