Top 5 Ways Physical Therapy Can Enhance Your Life

Top 5 Ways Physical Therapy Can Enhance Your Life

Patients come into our clinics with a wide variety of aches, pains, ailments, and expectations.  Many of our patients come into PT because they’ve been told they have to.  It usually only takes an appointment or two for them to realize that Physical Therapy is way more than just feeling better. It should be a comprehensive experience specifically designed to make your life better than it was before.  Here are 5 surprising ways that Physical Therapy can not only help you feel better, but also enhance your overall quality of life.

5. No Pain, Less Opiods.  

Physical Therapy is an effective treatment for managing chronic pain conditions.  We restore function through movement and modalities without opioid intervention.  Although opioids have their place in healthcare, we have the skills needed to provide you with relief and restoration without the risk of harmful side-effects or medication dependency.

4. Knowledge Is Power

At Physical Therapy, you get much more than just a quick fix.  You gain knowledge and understanding about your particular ailment.  You gain valuable insight into the root cause of your problem, the tools to fix it, and the know-how to keep it at bay for the long-term.  

3.  Full and Optimal Function

Our main goal at Physical Therapy is to restore your full function so you can live a vibrant, happy, pain-free life of purpose.  This not only means treating pain and restoring motion, but also restoring your prior level of function so you’re just as good as new!

2. Health, Vibrancy, Energy

Did you know that Physical Therapy often includes exercise?  Many physical ailments and be corrected and improved by simply adding movement and correcting dysfunction in the body.  It’s this initiation of motion that often begins an upward trend in your overall health.  The evidence is clear.  Exercise helps bring health and wellness.  At Physical Therapy, one of our goals is to get you (and keep you) moving.

1. More Friends, More Family

Most people wouldn’t include Physical Therapy on their top 10 list of fun things to do.  When they come see us, they’re usually in some sort of pain.  Maybe they broke their ankle and are having trouble after their cast is removed.  Maybe they just had shoulder surgery or a knee replacement.  Our patients usually need one thing from us…and that’s help.  What lies in this situation is the need for humility, and the opportunity for a special bond between patient and caregiver.  At Active, we strive to be more than just healthcare providers.  Our goal is to provide such a great experience to each person that walks through our doors that they become friends (who couldn’t use more friends?); and that over time, strangers become family.  

If you think you could benefit from our services, please see our website at  We have two clinics in Marquette County.  One in Ishpeming at the Country Village, and in Marquette Across from the UP Medical Center.

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