Sesamoiditis – The Pain In The Foot Nobody Knows About
Ever hear of sesamoid bones? Most people haven’t. That’s because there aren’t very many of them, and they typically don’t cause too many problems for people. The sesamoid bones are those bones in the body which are joined to muscles by tendons. The most famous of the sesamoid bones is the patella, or knee cap. Notice in the picture that the patella is joined by the patellar tendon and the quadriceps tendon on either end.

But today we will be discussing the two sesamoids on the bottom of the foot, near the big toe. These two little bones are about the size of a kernel of corn, and act like pulleys, allowing forces to be transferred efficiently and smoothly through the foot when walking and running. Sometimes the tendons can become irritated for a variety of reasons, including over-use and repetitive strain. Symptoms of sesamoiditis include pain and tenderness in the bottom of the foot near the area of the bones, swelling, and limited function with walking, lifting up the toes, and pushing off your toe during running.

Typically this condition responds well to conservative treatment including rest, over-the-counter medicines, stretching, thermal therapies like ice and heat, and Physical Therapy. If you think you may have sesamoiditis, give us a call and schedule a free consultation. We’ll be able to get you started on the path to recovery!