Diaphragmatic Breathing
Staying Healthy While Gardening – Tips to Avoid Those Aches and Pains It’s that time again. Spring has sprung and summer will soon be on its way. For many of us, that also means the return of gardening. It’s time to get outside, get in the dirt, and take care of those plants. While gardening for many is enjoyable and a great form of stress release, it can also be tough work. It involves a lot of digging, weeding, lifting, raking, planting, mulching, and more. These repetitive movements can cause a lot of stress and strain on your muscles and joints, potentially leading to injury or pain. Therefore, it is important to use proper body mechanics and keep in mind a few tips to avoid gardening aches and pains. 5 Tips to Avoid Those Aches and Pains Warm-Up – Get moving before you garden. A brisk 5-10 minute...
Safety During the Holidays ‘Tis the season for family, food, and fun (depending on how this whole pandemic thing shakes out). Along with the holiday season come lots of exciting traditions including decorations, cooking, Christmas trees, ornaments, and…accidents? You wouldn’t think so, but accidents are all-too-common during the holidays. About 10 years ago, I was sitting at my mother-in-law’s house for Christmas dinner. All of us were enjoying the taste of turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, and sharing memories from past gatherings. Suddenly my wife’s uncle (who rarely ever speaks) casually says: “There’s a fire in your living room.” We all thought he was joking. The look on his face was clear…he strongly urged us all to turn around. Sure enough…there was in fact, a fire starting in the living room behind us. My father-in-law jumped up from his chair to grab the fire extinguisher underneath the...
Accidental Injury Among the Leading Causes of Death in Men When researching men’s health topics for this month, I came across an alarming statistic. In 2017, Unintentional injury was listed as the third leading cause of death in men, behind cancer and heart disease. After living through a pretty normal college experience as a young and energetic male in his late teens/early twenties, my first thought was: “Well that’s not surprising.” Immediately my mind went to all the ridiculous high-risk activities I used to do during those times for a thrill…but that’s a different story for a different day. Upon researching further, I found some sources that reported that men are twice as likely to die from an accidental injury than women, and that some of the most common types of accidental injury include overdose, motor vehicle accidents, and falls. On the other hand, non-fatal unintentional injuries are composed...
Why Physical Therapy Should Be Your First Choice In Care For Aches and Pains So you’ve had back pain for years, and you’ve finally decided to talk to your doctor about it. There are quite a few options that your doctor might suggest. Some might include medications, procedures, or injections. Physical Therapy is always an option that’s worth considering, and discussing with your doctor. Make your choice count by considering Physical Therapy to treat your condition. Here’s why: It’s Non-invasive Physical Therapy is in many cases an excellent alternative to surgery. It’s not an uncommon occurrence for a patient to avoid the need for surgery by going through a round or two of PT with us. It’s Low-Risk Physical Therapy intervention involves a well-thought out plan of care from a skilled care provider. Our care plans start with the very basics and move gradually toward more advanced progressions. Patient...
Top 5 Ways Physical Therapy Can Enhance Your Life Patients come into our clinics with a wide variety of aches, pains, ailments, and expectations. Many of our patients come into PT because they’ve been told they have to. It usually only takes an appointment or two for them to realize that Physical Therapy is way more than just feeling better. It should be a comprehensive experience specifically designed to make your life better than it was before. Here are 5 surprising ways that Physical Therapy can not only help you feel better, but also enhance your overall quality of life. 5. No Pain, Less Opiods. Physical Therapy is an effective treatment for managing chronic pain conditions. We restore function through movement and modalities without opioid intervention. Although opioids have their place in healthcare, we have the skills needed to provide you with relief and restoration without the risk of...
Athletic Trainers Play an Active Role In Helping to Curb The Spread of COVID-19 The MHSAA has approved the return of fall sports in the Upper Peninsula, and with it comes the highly-anticipated, but unexpected return of football season. While the rest of us anxiously await the sights, smells, and sounds of the weekly Friday night lights, there’s a lot of work to be done behind the scenes. This year, Athletic Trainers are not only doing their regular duties as it pertains to athlete protection, but also trying to navigate the difficult waters of helping to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Extra steps must be taken, and Active’s ATs are in the trenches on a day-to-day basis protecting our children, and by proxy the rest of us as well. There are some unique challenges that come with practicing as an Athletic Trainer during this time, but Active’s ATs are...
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