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Diaphragmatic Breathing

The average person takes 20,000 breaths/day. We rarely focus much attention on our breathing patterns, but how we breathe impacts how our minds and bodies feel. Good breathing makes the difference between a pain-free and strong body versus one that is imbalanced and in distressed “fight or flight” mode. Taking a deep breath stimulates the vagus nerve which signals your brain to relax which improves sleep, digestion, and healing. The diaphragm and pelvic floor move together with our breath and are the foundation of our core system which also helps to strengthen the pelvic floor naturally. Correct diaphragm expansion activates the core, relaxes hip flexors, decreases low back and SI pain, and naturally strengthens the pelvic floor. How do you take a good diaphragmatic breath? As you inhale: Rib cage expands in all directions. Think of expanding into all aspects of your bra band- the sides, front and back. Make […]

Physical Therapy Can Help to Fight Against Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease is the fastest growing neurological disorder in the world. The World Health Organization estimated in 2019 that there are over 8.5 million people worldwide who are living with Parkinson’s, with its prevalence doubling over the past 25 years. It is likely that most people reading this have either a friend, family member, or acquaintance in their lives who is fighting this degenerative process. Parkinson’s Disease is a movement disorder that affects the way you are able to walk, talk, balance, and move your arms and hands, in addition to other symptoms that can vary from person to person. It is considered degenerative because over time the severity of these symptoms worsen, though the rate at which the disease progresses is different for everyone and can be difficult to predict. Once diagnosed, there are things that can be done to manage symptoms and at times slow the rate of […]

Case Study of the Month: Speed Skating Mayhem

Case Study of the Month: Speed Skating Mayhem Welcome to the case study of the month, where we take a look at some of the toughest cases in Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy.  We break them down into segments that are easy to understand in the hopes that you learn the value of an experienced Sports Medicine/Physical Therapy Provider. Short Track Speed Skating is by far the most stressful sport I’ve ever covered.  Skaters are going around an ice track at high rates of speed; sometimes in excess of 35 miles per hour. In the meantime, they have to remain upright on what basically amounts to a pair of razor blades.  These skates are SHARP.  Walls are padded, but there isn’t much forgiveness when you’re flying into the hockey boards; even if they are lined with thick foam pads.  Skaters often have to execute passes with such precision that they […]

Diastasis Recti and Physical Therapy

What is Diastasis Recti: Diastasis Recti Abdominis (DRA) is a separation of your abdominal muscles that often occurs during pregnancy and can remain after childbirth. After the baby is born it is normal for this to remain for some time, but if it is still present long after childbirth, it can contribute to low back pain, pelvic organ prolapse, and incontinence. These may be signs you have a diastasis recti that needs to be addressed: You notice a bulge in the middle of your tummy when you go to get up out of a chair or out of bed, or the middle of your stomach feels softer and more squishy than normal. A Diastasis Recti takes time to heal, but often can be improved with a guided exercise program and instruction on managing the pressure within your abdomen (i.e. how to breathe during various activities). How to check for DRA: […]

Staying Healthy While Gardening – Tips to Avoid Those Aches and Pains

Staying Healthy While Gardening – Tips to Avoid Those Aches and Pains It’s that time again.  Spring has sprung and summer will soon be on its way.   For many of us, that also means the return of gardening.  It’s time to get outside, get in the dirt, and take care of those plants.  While gardening for many is enjoyable and a great form of stress release, it can also be tough work.  It involves a lot of digging, weeding, lifting, raking, planting, mulching, and more.  These repetitive movements can cause a lot of stress and strain on your muscles and joints, potentially leading to injury or pain.  Therefore, it is important to use proper body mechanics and keep in mind a few tips to avoid gardening aches and pains.   5 Tips to Avoid Those Aches and Pains Warm-Up – Get moving before you garden.  A brisk 5-10 minute walk […]

Safety During the Holidays

Safety During the Holidays ‘Tis the season for family, food, and fun (depending on how this whole pandemic thing shakes out).  Along with the holiday season come lots of exciting traditions including decorations, cooking, Christmas trees, ornaments, and…accidents? You wouldn’t think so, but accidents are all-too-common during the holidays.  About 10 years ago, I was sitting at my mother-in-law’s house for Christmas dinner.  All of us were enjoying the taste of turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, and sharing memories from past gatherings.  Suddenly my wife’s uncle (who rarely ever speaks) casually says:  “There’s a fire in your living room.”  We all thought he was joking.  The look on his face was clear…he strongly urged us all to turn around.  Sure enough…there was in fact, a fire starting in the living room behind us. My father-in-law jumped up from his chair to grab the fire extinguisher underneath the sink.  […]

Accidental Injury Among the Leading Causes of Death in Men

Accidental Injury Among the Leading Causes of Death in Men When researching men’s health topics for this month, I came across an alarming statistic.  In 2017, Unintentional injury was listed as the third leading cause of death in men, behind cancer and heart disease. After living through a pretty normal college experience as a young and energetic male in his late teens/early twenties, my first thought was:  “Well that’s not surprising.”  Immediately my mind went to all the ridiculous high-risk activities I used to do during those times for a thrill…but that’s a different story for a different day.   Upon researching further, I found some sources that reported that men are twice as likely to die from an accidental injury than women, and that some of the most common types of accidental injury include overdose, motor vehicle accidents, and falls.  On the other hand, non-fatal unintentional injuries are composed mostly […]

Why Physical Therapy Should Be Your First Choice In Care For Aches and Pains

Why Physical Therapy Should Be Your First Choice In Care For Aches and Pains So you’ve had back pain for years, and you’ve finally decided to talk to your doctor about it.  There are quite a few options that your doctor might suggest.  Some might include medications, procedures, or injections.  Physical Therapy is always an option that’s worth considering, and discussing with your doctor.  Make your choice count by considering Physical Therapy to treat your condition.  Here’s why: It’s Non-invasive Physical Therapy is in many cases an excellent alternative to surgery.  It’s not an uncommon occurrence for a patient to avoid the need for surgery by going through a round or two of PT with us. It’s Low-Risk Physical Therapy intervention involves a well-thought out plan of care from a skilled care provider.  Our care plans start with the very basics and move gradually toward more advanced progressions.  Patient feedback […]

Top 5 Ways Physical Therapy Can Enhance Your Life

Top 5 Ways Physical Therapy Can Enhance Your Life Patients come into our clinics with a wide variety of aches, pains, ailments, and expectations.  Many of our patients come into PT because they’ve been told they have to.  It usually only takes an appointment or two for them to realize that Physical Therapy is way more than just feeling better. It should be a comprehensive experience specifically designed to make your life better than it was before.  Here are 5 surprising ways that Physical Therapy can not only help you feel better, but also enhance your overall quality of life. 5. No Pain, Less Opiods.   Physical Therapy is an effective treatment for managing chronic pain conditions.  We restore function through movement and modalities without opioid intervention.  Although opioids have their place in healthcare, we have the skills needed to provide you with relief and restoration without the risk of harmful […]

Athletic Trainers Play an Active Role In Helping to Curb The Spread of COVID-19

Athletic Trainers Play an Active Role In Helping to Curb The Spread of COVID-19 The MHSAA has approved the return of fall sports in the Upper Peninsula, and with it comes the highly-anticipated, but unexpected return of football season.  While the rest of us anxiously await the sights, smells, and sounds of the weekly Friday night lights, there’s a lot of work to be done behind the scenes.   This year, Athletic Trainers are not only doing their regular duties as it pertains to athlete protection, but also trying to navigate the difficult waters of helping to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.  Extra steps must be taken, and Active’s ATs are in the trenches on a day-to-day basis protecting our children, and by proxy the rest of us as well. There are some unique challenges that come with practicing as an Athletic Trainer during this time, but Active’s ATs are no […]

Injury Prevention in Marathon Runners

Injury Prevention in Marathon Runners Training for a marathon can be an extremely grueling process.  Staying injury free can be just as challenging.  Whether you are a novice runner or have several marathons under your belt, injuries can pop up at any time due to repetitive overuse, training errors, footwear choices, terrain, muscle weakness, and lack of flexibility.  If you are currently training for a marathon or planning to do so in the future, below are a few tips to keep you healthy, injury free, and on the road to accomplishing your goal.   Find a training plan and stick to it – Research a training plan that is right for you and give yourself enough time to complete it. You will find more aggressive training programs for advanced runners in as little as 12 weeks, longer 6 month programs for beginners with no running experience, and everything in between. Most […]

Backpack Safety Tips

Backpack Safety Tips With the return of school upon us, many of us will soon be out buying school supplies again for our children, including backpacks. It is important to keep in mind some helpful tips that can help you to make better choices while selecting a backpack for your child. Wearing a backpack that is not the right size, loaded too heavy or worn incorrectly can place increased strain over the shoulders, neck, and back, potentially leading to fatigue, discomfort, muscle soreness, and pain. Selecting a backpack with ergonomically designed features can help to improve comfort and safety. Warning Signs that a Backpack is too heavy: 1. The child has difficulty when putting on or taking off the backpack. 2. The child has pain while wearing the backpack. 3. The child reports tingling or numbness in their arms or legs. 4. The child displays red strap marks on their […]

6 Goals and Benefits of Aquatic Therapy

6 Goals and Benefits of Aquatic Therapy Simply put, aquatic therapy is physical therapy that is that is performed in a pool. Typically, a pool provides an environment that allows patients to achieve movements that may be unattainable on land due to pain, weakness, or inability to bear weight. These activities now become possible and more enjoyable in the water. Listed below are a few of the ways that aquatic therapy may help you: 1). Decrease pain – Water provides buoyancy which decreases the force of gravity on our body, thereby, allowing you to move more easily with less pain and protect your joints by minimizing weight bearing stress. For example, being in waist deep water reduces 50% of your body weight and in shoulder depth water your body weight is reduced by 90%. 2). Enhance healing process and recovery time – While you are in water, water continually is […]

Keeping Your Feet Happy and Healthy this Summer

Keeping Your Feet Happy and Healthy this Summer Summer is here and we can finally kick off our shoes and socks.  For many of us, it also means the return of our beloved sandals and dare I say it…flip flops.  Most of us know by now that flip flops aren’t the best choice for our feet.  They are terrible at providing support, offer no protection to our feet, do not provide adequate heel cushion or shock absorption, contribute to faulty walking patterns, and can put us at risk for foot, knee, or low back pain and injuries. The main issue lies with what we have to do with our foot to walk in them.  As we step forward we have to grip with our toes in order to prevent the flip flop from sliding off since they have no back to keep them secure on our foot.  This scrunching of […]

Staying Healthy While Gardening – Tips to Avoid Those Aches and Pains

Staying Healthy While Gardening – Tips to Avoid Those Aches and Pains It’s that time again.  Spring has sprung and summer will soon be on its way.   For many of us, that also means the return of gardening.  It’s time to get outside, get in the dirt, and take care of those plants.  While gardening for many is enjoyable and a great form of stress release, it can also be tough work.  It involves a lot of digging, weeding, lifting, raking, planting, mulching, and more.  These repetitive movements can cause a lot of stress and strain on your muscles and joints, potentially leading to injury or pain.  Therefore, it is important to use proper body mechanics and keep in mind a few tips to avoid gardening aches and pains.   Click here for some Gardening Stretches 5 Tips to Avoid Those Aches and Pains 1) Warm-Up – Get moving before […]

Osteoarthritis vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis – What’s the Difference?

Osteoarthritis vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis – What’s the Difference? Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and occurs when the cartilage in your joint wears down.  The cartilage in your joint is a protective structure that helps the joint to move smoothly.  As this wears down with osteoarthritis it can lead to “bone on bone” friction within the joint.  In addition to a breakdown of the cartilage, osteoarthritis can affect the bones themselves and cause damage to the connective tissue that supports the joint and connects muscle to bone.  There can be inflammation involved with this as well.  Osteoarthritis is a normal part of the aging process and is very likely to occur in at least one of the joints in your body at some point in your lifetime.   Rheumatoid arthritis on the other hand is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation in your body and can affect more […]

What is Diastasis Recti?

What is Diastasis Recti? The rectus abdominis muscles of the abdomen, or the “6 pack” muscles, are connected in the midline of the abdomen by a connective tissue called the linea alba.  The linea alba can become damaged/stretched leading to a separation between the rectus abdominis which is referred to as a diastasis recti.  The muscle action of the rectus abdominis is to flex the trunk such as when sitting up from a lying down position, the rectus abdominis works to provide support for the internal organs.  If the linea alba becomes damaged it can lead to core weakness, low back pain, pelvic pain, difficulty with labor, gastro-intestional problems including constipation or gas/bloating, hernia or urinary leakage.  Diastasis recti is most prevalent in pregnant women  – and in fact occurs in most women during pregnancy – but to varying degrees.  It can be significant and lead to problems while in […]

Mental Wellness during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mental Wellness during the COVID-19 Pandemic Since the onset of COVID-19, many of us have had huge disturbances to our daily lives and schedules due to social distancing and stay at home orders.  Many of us have experienced a loss of employment or a change to working from home, have had to deal with homeschooling our children or trying to find child care, or have just been overwhelmed by the onslaught of ever changing information out there.  Many of us have had increased worry, stress, or fear about contracting the virus or it affecting those close to us who may be vulnerable or at high risk. Those of us who have had a previously diagnosed mental health condition may have found this time especially challenging.   It is important to note that our mental health is just as important as our physical well-being.   Mental health refers to our cognitive, emotional […]

Top five things a Pelvic Physical Therapist wants you to know

Top five things a Pelvic Physical Therapist wants you to know Pelvic floor issues are common, but not normal. Urinary and fecal incontinence, painful sex and pelvic organ prolapse (heaviness or bulging in the pelvis) are commonly seen in women, but that doesn’t mean that they are normal OR that you have to live with them. There is another way. A pelvic physical therapist can assess the pelvic floor which helps to determine the cause of your symptoms. From there, you receive a customized program to help address your specific needs. Pelvic floor issues can weigh on you physically, mentally and emotionally and I want these folks to know that there is help! You don’t have to suffer. Kegels aren’t always the answer. A kegel, or a pelvic floor muscle contraction, is widely recognized as the most important exercise to prevent pelvic floor issues. However, it’s possible that kegels may […]

Telehealth and E-Visits Now Available at Active PT in Marquette!

Telehealth and E-Visits Now Available at Active PT in Marquette! At Active, we recognize that our patients still need to receive their care even in the face of these uncertain times.  As a result, we are offering our services via the internet for those of our patients who find themselves at higher risk for COVID-19, or are feeling uncomfortable about coming into the clinic building.  We are proud to begin offering Telehealth and E-visits as an alternative option to in-person care. Telehealth refers to an appointment that can be performed via video call with your provider.  As long as you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can complete this visit easily and receive the same quality care as an in-person visit! E-visits are Physical Therapy appointments which are conducted over the phone only (without video).  These appointments are appropriate for those patients who may not have an electronic device […]

What to Expect at your first Appointment at Active

What to Expect at your first Appointment at Active So you’ve made the decision to come to Active Physical Therapy, and have your first appointment scheduled.  Our team of Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants and Athletic Trainer’s are excited to meet you, and get you back on your way to feeling better.  Here are some frequently asked questions to help you make your first visit with us as smooth as possible. Do I Need to Fill Out Any Forms? You can save time and download and complete your new patient paperwork (linked below) or you can stop by the clinic to pick up the paperwork.  Intake Form Notice of Privacy Practices Financial Policy Cancellation Policy Safety Policy If you choose to complete the forms at the clinic, we will ask you to come in 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time, as to not take any time away from your […]

Plantar Fasciitis:  5 Steps To Avoid A Painful Tug Of War In Your Foot

Plantar Fasciitis:  5 Steps To Avoid A Painful Tug Of War In Your Foot Plantar Fasciitis is an irritation of the plantar fascia, a band of fibrous tissue on the bottom of the foot.  It’s characterized by pain in the particular area of the bottom of the heel, and is very point-tender when bearing weight, especially first thing in the morning.   The plantar fascia is one of the three main structures which support the main arch of the foot (medial longitudinal arch).  This arch is one of the main structures which supports the full weight of the body in the standing position.   Plantar Fasciitis often seems to come out of nowhere and can be quite painful for those who suffer from it.  Many times it stems from a “tug of war” between the main tissues of the foot and ankle: The plantar fascia and the achilles’ tendon.  Tightness in one […]

Sesamoiditis – The Pain In The Foot Nobody Knows About

Sesamoiditis – The Pain In The Foot Nobody Knows About Ever hear of sesamoid bones?  Most people haven’t. That’s because there aren’t very many of them, and they typically don’t cause too many problems for people.  The sesamoid bones are those bones in the body which are joined to muscles by tendons. The most famous of the sesamoid bones is the patella, or knee cap.  Notice in the picture that the patella is joined by the patellar tendon and the quadriceps tendon on either end.  But today we will be discussing the two sesamoids on the bottom of the foot, near the big toe.  These two little bones are about the size of a kernel of corn, and act like pulleys, allowing forces to be transferred efficiently and smoothly through the foot when walking and running.  Sometimes the tendons can become irritated for a variety of reasons, including over-use and […]

Top 5 Reasons You Need A Certified Athletic Trainer More Than Your New Jerseys

Top 5 Reasons You Need A Certified Athletic Trainer More Than Your New Jerseys Although Athletic Training has a rich history, the profession as an organized entity is relatively new.  As with all new professions, it can take time for the field to reach its full potential. Athletic Trainers can be seen in all types of settings; High School, Collegiate, and Professional sports, performing arts, outpatient rehabilitation, physician practices, and many others.  However, one of the places an AT is needed most is on the field of sport, caring directly for the physically active population. There is no health professional more qualified to provide comprehensive care for athletes on-site than a Certified Athletic Trainer. Their expertise is valuable, their services needed, and their presence is an absolute necessity in today’s world of competitive sport.  Take a look at some of the unique qualities Athletic Trainers possess, and you’ll clearly see […]

5 Ways Active PT Is Changing The Game With Technology and Innovation

5 Ways Active PT Is Changing The Game With Technology and Innovation Technology plays an ever-increasing role in just about every aspect of society.  In many ways we’ve come to rely on gadgets and technology for the function of our daily lives.  It’s no different in the world of Physical Therapy, and we are continuing to find new ways to serve our patients using cutting edge products and techniques.  Have a look here at some of the ways we’re staying on point to provide our patients with the latest and greatest.   Gaming   Gaming can have several uses in Physical Therapy.  From creating a fun and interactive experience to challenging balance, video games can be an effective therapeutic treatment for a variety of conditions which affect balance, coordination, reaction time, strength, endurance, and others.  At Active we utilize the Nintendo® WiiFit to make Physical Therapy more fun, engaging, and […]

The 5 Best Ways to Make Sure You’re Getting High Quality Physical Therapy

The 5 Best Ways to Make Sure You’re Getting High Quality Physical Therapy Not all Physical Therapy is the same.  There are a variety of factors which can be used to determine the quality of your Physical Therapy team.  Recovery following injury or surgery is often the longest (and definitely most important) part of restoring your function.  When it comes to your rehabilitation, quality is what you want.  Choosing the right Physical Therapist is paramount to restoring your normative function and returning to a healthy, active lifestyle.   Outcomes This is the most fundamental measure of the Physical Therapy service you receive.  Are you getting better?  Do you feel better following your appointments, or worse?  Do you feel encouraged, challenged, and that you have hope for your recovery?  Outcomes generally speak volumes about the quality of a Physical Therapy clinic.  Ask your clinician about things like the timeline for recovery, their […]

5 Secrets to Prevent Heat Illness During Pre-Season Sports

5 Secrets to Prevent Heat Illness During Pre-Season Sports Many athletes are returning to their sport this fall, starting with practices during the middle to end of August.  Because these can be some of the hottest and most humid times of the year, athletes and parents should be aware of some special considerations during this time.  Understanding heat-related illness is a great place to start, and there are several different types. Exercise-associated muscle cramps (EAMCs):  This type of condition is characterized by tics, twinges, stiffness, tremors, or contractures.  They are often uncomfortable or painful. Although they are often referred to as heat cramps, they can occur in hot, cool, or temperature-controlled environments.    Heat Syncope:  This is a condition in which an athlete will become dizzy, or even faint because of the heat.  It usually occurs during the first 5 days of unaccustomed heat exposure.   Heat Exhaustion:  This condition is characterized […]

Active’s Kyle Aho and Ryan Lowery Teach About Chronic Pain at NMU Summer Athletic Training Conference

NMU’s School of Health and Human Performance (SHHP) hosted a conference on July 19th for Local and Regional Certified Athletic Trainers.  As a continuing education event, the conference featured several local clinicians and educators who presented on a variety of topics, including concussions, treatment of hip pain, oral airways, and several others. Aho and Lowery specifically discussed the science and process of treating patients with chronic pain.  This is such a timely and valuable offering from NMU’s SHHP. Athletic Trainers are now required to take continuing education courses on pain management to maintain their licensure in the state of Michigan.  They are also required to fulfill education requirements on recognizing and reporting signs of human trafficking. Continuing education requirements for Athletic Trainers in the state of Michigan can be found here. Lowery said of the event:  “This was such a great opportunity and and well-organized event.  What a privilege it […]

Active Sports Medicine Staff Once Again Selected to Provide Sideline Services for the U.P. Football All-Star Game

This year marks the 12th year featuring young football talent across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  The U.P. Football All-Star Game is the brain-child of Todd G Goldbeck, DPT, ATC, CSCS, STC. He is a physical therapist and owner of XCel Physical Therapy near Madison, WI.   The mission of the U.P. Football Allstar Game is to showcase U.P. high school football and give the fans an opportunity to enjoy a competitive game between the U.P.’s best graduating seniors. This is Active’s 6th year participating in the event.  This year, our Licensed Athletic Trainers will be providing expert care for both teams, which will allow great communication and top-notch care for all participants.   But the U.P. Football All-Star Game is more than a game.  Players report to camp on Monday, June 24th, and stay in the dorms all week at NMU.  Athletes are purposefully placed in rooms with athletes they’ve […]

4 Common Lower Extremity Injuries to Be On The Lookout For This Soccer Season

Soccer season is here! And if you didn’t know, our Sports Medicine Staff is providing free injury assessments on Monday Nights for the Superiorland Soccer Association from 6:30-730PM at Kaufman field in Marquette!So to kick off the season, let’s take a look at 5 common injuries that you may want to watch for this coming season. Ankle SprainThis is quite a common injury for athletes who participate in sports which require lots of running, agility and cutting. Step wrong, or step in a pot-hole, and you can “roll your ankle”. Signs and symptoms of an ankle sprain are pain, swelling and discoloration. Sometimes an athlete will get bruising on or near the ankle. If an ankle sprain is suspected, it’s best to have it evaluated by a Licensed health professional. ACL injury The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is a major stabilizing ligament of the knee. It can become injured in […]

Active Physical Therapy Welcomes Three New Team Members!

This year, we’re very grateful to add some really great people to the Active team!   Kelly Wood joined the team at Active in November of 2018.  She has been in medical administration for over 18 years. She lives in Ishpeming with her husband of 27 years and enjoys four wheeling, snowmobiling and quilting in her spare time.[su_divider top=”no” style=”dashed” divider_color=”#ccc” size=”1″ margin=”20″] Noelle Champion was born and raised in Ishpeming. Noelle has over 25  years of customer service experience & enjoys the daily interactions with the patients. Noelle has been married for 28 years to her spouse  Kevin. Family is very important to her and she loves spending time with them whenever she can.[su_divider top=”no” style=”dashed” divider_color=”#ccc” size=”1″ margin=”20″] Tori Escovedo comes to us with a wide range of work experiences including phlebotomy, OBGYN, Family Medicine, Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapies.  Tori is married and has three grown boys […]

Pain while Running? Consider a Running Assessment.

Do you have lower body pain when running?  Have you tried “everything” and are not getting better?  If you can answer yes to these questions…you should consider having a running assessment done.   What does a running assessment involve? A running assessment is done through video taping you running for a short time (10-15 minutes) on the treadmill at a pace you are comfortable with.  The recording is then analyzed using normalized values for knee angles, foot positions and body alignment. Most often running assessments are done when a runner is having pain or has an injury and after the assessment a personalized plan of care can be given to you to address the issues.   What happens after an assessment? After a running assessment is done, and you are given a personalized plan of care, and exercises to help you become a more efficient runner and work towards running […]

Top 5 Basketball Injuries from the 2018 / 2019 Season

With March Madness just around the corner, we wanted to take a look at some of the injuries which have made basketball season interesting so far.  Here are the top 5 injuries of the 2018-2019 Season. Warning: Some videos below may contain images which might make you a little squeamish. Kevin Knox of the New York Knicks Sprains Ankle Let’s ease into things with an ankle injury from Kevin Knox in a game against the Boston Celtics.  Knox is driving hard to the rim and steps just a little too far outside his ability to maintain a stable ankle.  You can see his ankle collapse into a position called inversion. He immediately loses his ability to maintain his balance and goes down.   [su_youtube url=””]   Caris LeVert of the Brooklyn Nets Suffers Leg Injury A little further up on the intensity scale, this injury features Caris Levert going up […]

Concussions and Our Kids (Part 2 of 2): Special Considerations for Head Injuries in Children

Last week’s blog discussed special considerations for head injuries in our children, and some of the things needed to keep in mind if your child ever suffers a head injury. This week we will discuss recovery.  The road to recovery for my daughter was pretty simple, but a little challenging to navigate. As I mentioned in the last blog, symptoms can be ambiguous and difficult for the child to describe, so I really had to put on my investigator hat to dig deep and find out how she was doing.   Recovery is Much More Favorable in Children When a Concussion is Handled Appropriately Immediately After Injury. In general, children take longer to heal from a concussion, and expected full recovery is around 4 weeks.  However, if the immediate injury is handled inappropriately, the recovery process can be lengthened, or the current injury made much worse.   With my daughter’s […]

Concussions and Our Kids (Part 1 of 2):  Special Considerations for Head Injuries in Children

I knew it would happen eventually…I got a call at work from my daughter’s school nurse.   “Your daughter bumped her head at gym class.  She said she was a little blurry at first, and she has a headache.  But, otherwise she seems to be doing OK.” She had slipped and fallen in gym class, and smacked the back of her head on the floor.  Now, this is something that I’ve seen countless times in the athletic realm, so for the most part it was business as usual for me.  However, when it’s your child (and not someone else’s) suffering, things can get a little hazy. The tough thing about concussions in young children is that they can’t be seen with the naked eye, they’re clouded by ambiguity and complicated by young age.  For example, when you ask a teenager or adult about their knee pain, it’s pretty easy to […]

New Year, New Insurance?

For many people, a New Year can mean insurance changes for them.  Knowing the basics of your new (or current) insurance plan is critical to you.  Co-pays, co-insurance, deductibles, out of pocket max, visit limits..these are only some of the things to consider as we enter a new calendar year.   In order to best service our patients, at Active PT we ask our patient’s to check into their co-pays prior to coming in to start therapy.  We also find it most helpful if you are aware of any prior authorization needed or visit limits you may have. Every insurance is different, and within each insurance company there are many, many plans.  Staying proactive and informed with your insurance plan will save you a lot of headaches in the long run. As always, please bring your new insurance cards in so we can update your chart!

Gaining Knee Extension After Surgery is a Key Component of Recovery

The knee joint has two main motions known as Flexion (the ability to bend) and Extension (the ability to straighten).  It does also rotate very slightly, but that’s a different discussion for different day. When it comes to post-surgical care, it’s very important that your journey with a few things such as pain control, maintenance and monitoring of incision sites, and of course range of motion (ROM).  Range of Motion is often the first step in the process of restoring the full function of the knee. In order to have a fully functioning knee joint, it must first move efficiently. Whether you’ve just had a Meniscus Repair, Total Knee Replacement, or ACL Reconstruction, ROM limitations are normal and expected following surgery – for a time.  Your surgeon may prescribe a Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machine to help restore motion immediately following the procedure.  This is a machine that moves your […]

Water Intake is important year-round

The colder temperatures during winter months have many of us reaching for warm liquids to drink, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, but drinking water continues to be important and should not be forgotten.  The great water debate, how much water should you be drinking a day is a question that often gets asked in the clinics. The answer isn’t as simple as we once thought. Each individual’s water needs depends on many factors including your health, how much you weigh, how active you are, and where you live. Every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to work properly. For example, water: Gets rid of wastes through urination, perspiration and bowel movements Keeps your body temperature normal Lubricates and cushions joints Protects sensitive tissues Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration.  Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired. So, what’s the answer to the […]

Caution! Upper Arm Fractures Are an Increased Risk During the Winter Months!

Last month, we discussed tactics for preventing falls in the winter months.  Whether this means you’re actively participating in a strength and conditioning program, or you buy one of the 10 best traction cleats for snow and ice (or both), it’s important to understand the risks associated with slippery conditions.  One of the most common injuries that can result from a fall outside in the winter time (especially in the elderly1-4), is the Proximal Humerus Fracture. Fractures of the proximal Humerus often happen as a result of falling.  Falling incidents can be on an outstretched hand, a fall directly onto the shoulder, or even landing on the elbow.  Forces are transmitted through the humerus and are more than the bone is able to withstand. The result is a broken upper arm, or Proximal humerus fracture.  Other causes of proximal humerus fractures can be from a direct force trauma, such as […]

Do You Yoga?

If you have done any physical therapy at Active PT, your therapist may have given you a list of stretches to do at home to help speed your recovery along.  Many times these stretches “hurt” and we can be resistant to doing them because of the pain that may be involved. Yoga is a great way to stretch your body and relax your mind.   For many when they hear “yoga” they think…”well, I can’t do that, I’m not flexible”, or “only women do yoga”.  Yoga is an exercise program anyone can do. Not only does it increase your flexibility, but it also improve posture, increases blood flow, protects your spine, and builds muscle strength.  Yoga uses breathing techniques and mind-body connection to relax into poses letting your body stretch more comfortably. As a busy Holiday season approaches, do your body a favor and slow down for even 30 minutes […]

Active Marquette Welcomes Casey Madigan, DPT to the Fair Avenue Clinic!

Casey Madigan is a Physical Therapist new to the Active family.  Prior to joining us in October, Casey served for 2 years as a Physical Therapist at the UP Health System.  His special interests are neurological rehab, cardiovascular rehab, and orthopedic conditions. He is a native of Green Bay, WI and a 2010 graduate of NMU with degrees in Sports Science and Exercise Science (Master’s). He then went on to earn his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Elon University in Elon, North Carolina. In his spare time, Casey enjoys hiking, camping, snowshoeing, ice fishing, and being by the water. “I’m really excited to broaden my knowledge as a clinician while working with a number of experts in their field here at Active.” Welcome Casey Madigan, DPT to the Active Family!  

Falls and Fall Prevention

As the winter months have quickly come upon us, something we all are thinking about a little bit more is falling!  Snow and ice can make walking outside sometimes hazardous for us all. Even though we think about falling more during the winter months, the truth is falling can happen anytime, anywhere. Falls are the number one cause of cause of injury and hospital visits due to trauma in adults over the age of 65.  There are many factors that can increase your risk of falling: Past falls Hazards in the environment Problems walking Balance problems Weakness Improper footwear These are factors are just some of the reasons we may fall.   If you feel as though you are at risk for falling it is important to talk to your health care provider, as there are ways to help to prevent falling.  One of the best things you can do […]

Men of Active Participate in “Movember” for Men’s Health Awareness Month!

This year, some of the men at Active PT are celebrating in unique fashion by growing out their facial hair in honor of Men’s health awareness.   Movember is a movement started in the late 1990s as a way to bring awareness to men’s health.  Today, The Movemnber Foundation is attempting to “Change the Face of Men’s Health.” They are leading the charge in addressing men’s health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention.  They hope to reduce the amount of pre-mature male deaths by the year 2030. At Active, we hope the growth of our facial hair in a unique way will spark conversation about men’s health, and in turn be a catalyst for change.  It’s possible that through discussion and awareness, someone will detect a health condition early, or seek out that counselor that they’ve been meaning to schedule an appointment with.   […]

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Men Get Breast Cancer Too! – Special Considerations for the Male Population and a Brief Summary of a Literature Review

Male Breast Cancer (MBC) is a rare but present health concern in our society today, and accounts for less approximately 0.5% – 1% of all breast cancers in the United States.   Approximately 2,000 men are diagnosed with MBC each year. Because it is such a rare condition, research is extremely limited on several fronts. Risk factors for MBC are similar to female breast cancer, including aging, family history, obesity, lack of exercise, exposure to radiation, and hormone imbalance among others.   MBC often presents first as a painless lump underneath the nipple or areola.  Oftentimes men are diagnosed with a greater delay than their female counterparts.  This could be due to poor awareness of the disease, but is simply speculation. As a result, most studies suggest that men are diagnosed with higher stage tumors and have a poorer prognosis (likely outcome) overall.  However when matched by stage (of cancer) and […]

It’s National Physical Therapy Month! – How to Become a Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant

Active Physical Therapy would not be what it is today without the hard work of our expert clinicians.  This month as we continue to celebrate our outstanding Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants, let’s take a look at the road our amazing staff took in order to earn the privilege of working in Physical Therapy! Physical Therapists – Physical Therapists (PTs) are highly-educated, licensed health care professionals who can help patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility – in many cases without expensive surgery and often reducing the need for long-term use of prescription medications and their side effects (  In order to attain the prestigious Physical Therapist credential, one must earn a graduate degree – either a masters or a clinical doctorate from an educational program which is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) .  Michigan Technological University offers a local option for […]

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month – How Physical Therapy Can Help!

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month!  Many of us have been personally affected by breast cancer – either directly or indirectly.  So October is rich with meaning for many around the world. Research is happening at an astounding rate and treatment options are better than ever before.  One thing that can aid in your treatment course is physical therapy. There are numerous ways in which physical therapy can add benefit to your treatment team.  Here are just a few ways that your physical therapist can work with you Exercise:  Exercise has a wide array of benefits.  In those patients who have been diagnosed with cancer, a carefully-designed and well-guided therapeutic exercise program can decrease pain, help you manage weight, alleviate tight muscles, maintain or increase your physical stamina, and increase your ability to perform activities at home. Manual Therapies:  Cancer (and subsequent treatment) takes a toll on the body. […]

Active Physical Therapy Clinics Support the Vestibular Disorders Association (VeDA) by Participating in Balance Awareness Week!

This week, you may see some new faces pop up on our website and social media feed.  The clinicians at Active are celebrating Balance Awareness Week! Balance is a very important part of our lives, and often something that many of us take for granted.  Imagine what life would life would be like if you were unable to keep your balance on a daily basis. Your risk for falling would increase, and you would likely start to avoid certain activities in order to avoid feelings of imbalance or dizziness.   Active Marquette’s Jeanette Tousignant enjoys helping patients with vestibular disorders, and has nearly 30 years experience doing so.   “Imbalance, dizziness, vertigo, etc. can be extremely life-altering,” says Tousignant.  “But it does not have to be the norm. Our balance system was designed to work efficiently for us, so that we are not overcome by gravity.  If our system is […]

Active Physical Therapy Participates in Local Community Activities Throughout the UP This Summer!

Active is not just our name, it’s in our culture.  We love to be physically active, and it shows by our participation in local athletic events.  Below is a summary some of our employees and their family members helping others Get Active, Be Active and Stay Active! [su_divider top=”no” style=”dashed” divider_color=”#ccc” size=”1″ margin=”5″] Community Events: U.P. Pink Power Walk – Employees from Marquette and Ishpeming walked in support of the U.P. Pink Power Walk which benefits local businesses in need of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).  Over $20,000 was raised! [su_divider top=”no” style=”dashed” divider_color=”#ccc” size=”1″ margin=”5″] NMU Rural Health Careers Camp – Active Marquette’s Ryan Lowery presented to a group of high school students on the career options which are available to those who are interested in a pursuing a career in Physical Therapy. [su_divider top=”no” style=”dashed” divider_color=”#ccc” size=”1″ margin=”5″] Big Bay Relay – Active Employees participated in a “trail sweep” […]

On the Move – Using the Secrets of Mobility to Avoid Injury

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve probably heard it a thousand times from anyone who knows anything about fitness.  “Stretching is important.”  The benefits of stretching activities are numerous.  They increase the ability of your joints to move, lengthens muscle, decreases tightness, and in the right environment, can help with relaxation and stress management.  It’s fairly well-established throughout the world that stretching should be a priority for most people; especially those who wish to be physically active. Pre-workout Considerations In general, a dynamic warm-up is best, similar to the one seen here.  Dynamic warm-ups are essentially a series of movements designed to prepare the body for athletic activities.  Good examples are short-duration activities such as jogs, high knees, butt-kicks, lunges, and others. The benefits of doing a dynamic warm-up are that you provide slight increases in flexibility, increase the heart rate, provide increased blood flow to the muscles, all the […]

Active Marquette’s Kyle Aho and Marquette Internal Medicine’s Liz Peppin Discuss Pain at Local Brewery

In case you missed it! Last month, our very own Kyle Aho, DPT teamed up with Liz Peppin, PA-C of Marquette Internal Medicine to present the most current research and education on the topic of chronic pain management at the Ore Dock Brewing Company in Marquette. It was a tremendously successful event which was attended by a large group of standing-room-only guests! If you’d like to listen to the audio recording, click the link to our blog! Tag a friend or family member suffering from chronic pain who needs to hear this message!

5 Key Ways to Avoid Heat Illness This Pre-Season

As summer nears it’s inevitable end, many of us (and our children) are gearing up to return to fall sports.  And you know what that means – pre-season training! Many high school sports begin their pre-season training this month, and with that come some very real risks of exertional heat illness. Exertional Heat Illness (EHI) can manifest in several different ways.  Minor symptoms include cramps, dizziness and light-headedness. Moderate symptoms include: Headache, nausea or vomiting, chills and goosebumps, and fatigue.  Severe symptoms which are signs of a heat stroke include signs of aggression or confusion, seizures, rapid heart rate and breathing, and a temperature in excess of 105 degrees fahrenheit.  If in doubt about your symptoms, it’s best to pursue medical attention immediately. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! (But not too much).Sweating is the body’s natural cooling mechanism.  If we are unable to sweat, we are unable to cool. Proper hydration before, […]

I Tore My Rotator Cuff! Now What?!

It’s happened to plenty of people you know, and now it’s happened to you. You went to lift something heavy, or you took a bad fall on your arm, and now your shoulder is in severe pain and you are having a lot of trouble moving it. The pain wakes you up at night, and stops you in your track when you reach for your morning. You let it go for a few days, thinking it will get better…maybe even a few weeks. But there’s little improvement. You finally decide to make an appointment with your doctor, and after a brief exam, the verdict is in: You’ve torn your rotator cuff. “Rotator Cuff…What is That Anyway?” The rotator cuff is a series of four muscles: the Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, and Subscapularis (Remember the acronym “SITS”). These four muscles are the primary stabilizers of the shoulder. In other words, it […]

Active is a Proud Sponsor of Superior Land Soccer!

If you’re at all familiar with organized soccer in the Marquette area, you’re probably familiar with the Superior Land Soccer Association (SSA).  The SSA provides the opportunity for youth and adults to compete in an organized league through the beautiful summer months in Marquette.  They also provide the opportunity for elite-level travel teams to continue competition throughout the other seasons of the year! Active has been a sponsor of Superior Land Soccer for three years in the youth levels.   Leslie Hartman, business manager at Active says that it’s been a privilege over the past few years to support the SSA.  “They’re such a well-run organization. We really enjoy supporting a local community organization that encourages children to be more active.” If you’re interested in being a youth soccer athlete in the Marquette area, please visit their website:  Remember that when it comes to your athletic injuries, you have […]

Active Physical Therapy’s Expert Sports Medicine Staff Selected to Provide Sideline Coverage for 2018 U.P. Football All-Star Game

The Upper Peninsula Football All-Star Game is once again coming to the Superior Dome, and the teams have all been selected.  In past years, the Licensed Athletic Trainers at Active have had the privilege of of caring for the Upper Peninsula’s top football athletes during the week of this prestigious event.   This year marks the 11th year of the game since its inception, and is a great feature of young football talent across the Upper Peninsula.  The U.P. Football All-Star game is the brain-child of Todd G Goldbeck, DPT, ATC, CSCS, STC. He is a physical therapist and owner of XCel Physical Therapy near Madison, WI.  Active Ishpeming’s Scott Corkin has been providing sideline coverage for the event in years past.  This is his 5th year participating as an Athletic Trainer. “It’s a fantastic event to be a part of,” says Corkin.  “We really enjoy doing it. It’s a […]

Active Marquette Welcomes Anna Howes, DPT to the Fair Avenue Clinic

It is our pleasure to announce the addition of our newest member of the Active Team:  Anna Howes, DPT. Anna comes to us as a graduate of Central Michigan University’s Physical Therapy program.  She earned her undergraduate degree from NMU in Environmental Science, and worked as a Yosemite National Park Ranger for six years.  She also performed work as an environmental consultant before returning to Physical Therapy school at CMU. In addition to be a certified yoga instructor, she has a wide variety of clinical interests.   She’s particularly interested Orthopedic and Vestibular rehabilitation, and is excited to further develop her knowledge base in those areas. Anna says that she is very excited to be a part of the Active team, and is looking forward to having a positive impact on the lives of others. “My favorite part of being a Physical Therapist is being afforded the time it takes to […]

Active Ishpeming’s Kristy Kerkela and Kristin Andreae Proudly Carry the Prestigious Sports Certified Specialization (SCS) Credential

Active Physical Therapy is proud to feature Kristy Kerkela and Kristin Andreae, who carry the prestigious SCS certification. To become a Sports Certified Specialist, applicants must first be a licensed physical therapist, have certification as an emergency responder, licensed as an emergency medical technician, paramedic, or certification or licensure as an Athletic Trainer. An applicant must show evidence of 2,000 hours of direct patient care in the specialty area only, 500 of which are in the last 3 years, and 100 hours of which are athletic venue coverage with at least 50% in contact sports. An applicant can also participate in completion of a sports residency program (typically 1 year long) at an accredited clinical residency. Once accepted and approved for the next step, the applicant must sit for and pass the written exam for specialization which tests advanced knowledge and skills. The exam is only provided once a year […]

Active Marquette’s Jeannie Wagner Known Throughout the U.P. for Restoring Quality of Life By Managing Lymphedema

Jeannie Wagner has been a practicing Physical Therapist for more than 27 years.  A Chicago native, she began her practice in an outpatient setting after graduating from the University of Iowa in 1991, and then from Rocky Mountain University with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2008.   She worked at Marquette General Hospital for 18 years, where she started the hand therapy program.  After her time at MGH, she opened Balanced Body Physical Therapy and operated for 10 years with her colleague and business partner Laurie Smith.  Jeannie and Laurie both joined the Active team in early 2017. At Active, Jeannie currently treats a variety of patients who represent a wide range of ages and backgrounds; and she has a special clinical interest in distance runners and cross-country skiers. Among other things, Jeannie carries a specialist certification in Lymphedema management, which she earned through a rigorous process.  The CLT-LANA […]

Active Marquette to Partner with Queen City Running Company to Provide Injury Screens to Summer Running Group

Queen City Running Co. has been in business since 2015 and has been an excellent provider of athletic footwear since that time.  They have a wide variety of products and services, and do a great job finding the right shoe for your feet and running style.  They also organize regular running events and running groups. We are proud to announce that beginning this week, we will be partnering with their summer running group! Kyle Aho, DPT is a Gwinn native with a special interest in the running athlete.  He has an enthusiastic approach to patient care and has received specialized training in caring for the unique needs of runners and endurance athletes.  He will be providing on-site injury screens for anyone who is in need this summer. The first scheduled event will be this Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018 from 6-7pm.  Moving forward, Kyle will be on-site on the first Wednesday […]

Active Marquette’s Brooke Chapman Attends Sports Medicine Symposium in Ann Arbor

Brooke Chapman, PTA attended St. Joseph’s Sports Medicine Symposium last month in Ann Arbor, put on by Probility Physical Therapy.  This was a one-day course which covered a variety of topics and current practice trends related to sports medicine.  Some of the topics covered were running injuries, rotator cuff repair rehab, ankle instability and others. “I enjoyed learning from several physicians, physical therapists, and even a pilates expert on common sport-related injuries and treatment,” said Chapman.  “Their discussions included shoulder instability, common biking injuries, ankle instability and more. They relayed back to whole body movement rather than a single joint to facilitate healthy movement and injury prevention.” If you’ve been injured playing a sport you love, or would like to find out how to benefit from physical therapy by scheduling an appointment with Kristen or Brooke, talk to your doctor or give our office a call at 906-226-0574.

Running Assessment Program offered at all Active Locations

Did you know that running is increasing in popularity for all ages? There are many more events (5K, 10K, ½ and full marathons) and more participants in these events than ever before.  That fact – coupled with the research showing that up to 70% of runners get injured each year – shows the importance of proper mechanics while running. Even though there are many theories and techniques for running, it is important that if you are changing your style of running, your shoes or your gait mechanics, you need to ease into and practice your new technique in order to reduce your risk of injury. The following all increase your risk of injury with running: Running more than five days/week, or less than two days/week More than 10% volume increase in a week (total mileage) More than 40 miles per week Shoes that have  at least 500 miles total Slow […]

Active Marquette’s Jeanette Tousignant Completes Intensive Training in Vestibular Rehabilitation

We would like to congratulate Jeanette Tousignant, PT, CKTP for successful completion of Vestibular Rehabilitation: A Competency-Based Course.  This course was put on by world-renowned vestibular rehabilitation specialist Richard Clendaniel at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, and is co-sponsored by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) It’s a one-week intensive course that encompasses examination and treatment of many different types of vestibular disorders.  Here’s what Jeanette has to say about her experience: “This highly sought-after training is offered once annually for 200 students max, providing the most current information about the function of the Vestibular system and how best to assess and treat any deficits that impact mobility and quality of life. The course is designed and taught by the premier Physical Therapy practitioners in the field, who are not only treating patients regularly, but are conducting the research and publishing the results regarding best practice among […]

5 Key Ways a Licensed Athletic Trainer Helps Protect Your Child On the Field

Athletic Trainers (ATs) are a key member of the sports medicine team.  It’s especially important to have athletic trainers on the athletic field because they have the specialized training to take care of the unique needs of athletes.  When the rubber hits the road, there is nobody better to be taking care of athletes on a day-to-day basis than an athletic trainer. Take a look below at why this is the case as we discuss the Domains of Athletic Training. Injury and Illness Prevention and Wellness Promotion ATs are trained to identify risk factors in the athletic and general populations through specialized assessment methods, and are able to help reduce risk of injury by utilizing techniques such as taping, bracing, rehabilitation exercises, fitness/conditioning programs, altering environmental factors, and others.  ATs are also advocates for health through education to optimize wellness for individuals and groups. Examination, Assessment and Diagnosis ATs are […]

Want to Become an Athletic Trainer? Here’s How…

So if you’ve been following our blog this month, you may know that March is National Athletic Training Month.  Last week we discussed what an athletic trainer is and some of the things they do.  In order to fully understand athletic trainers, it’s important to have a basic understanding of their educational requirements.  For a more extensive description, click here.  In order to become an athletic trainer, all the following requirements need to be filled. Attend an Accredited University.If you want to become an athletic trainer, you must attend a university who runs a CAATE Accredited Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP).  CAATE stands for the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education.  This organization maintains quality standards for those who wish to provide the service of an ATEP at the university level  Many universities offer a four-year track toward completion of the program and an undergraduate degree. That is the current […]

What is an Athletic Trainer Anyway?

Athletic Trainers (ATs) are health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to provide preventative services, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions.  At Active Physical Therapy, our Licensed Athletic Trainers work with athletes at some of the local high schools (Negaunee, Republic, Westwood and Ishpeming) and see patients in our clinics by providing hands-on support to our Physical Therapists.   Athletic Trainers have a special set of skills that make them a vital part of the sports medicine team.  These skills can be used in a variety of settings such as competitive athletics (all levels), industrial work sites, physician offices, the military, performing arts, physical therapy, and others.   A strong background in orthopedics and sports injury knowledge prepares them to handle a wide array of injuries from sprains and strains to fractures and concussions. They receive extensive training in immediate response to injury, as […]

Get Back to your Life: How Physical Therapy can help relieve Low Back Pain and Prevent Future Occurrences

Did you know that low back pain is the second most common cause of disability in the United States? Over 80 percent of the US population will experience an episode of lower back pain at some time during life. For most, recovery can happen within a few months, but the incidence of low back pain is on the rise, and so is the costs associated with it – loss of work, visits to the ER, medications, and imaging. Low back pain can present itself as a dull ache, a throb, sharp shooting pain, radiating down either or both legs.  Symptoms can be constant, or come and go, come on gradually or appear suddenly with a certain position or movement. Those who have experienced back pain know that it makes everything more difficult. The pain can be completely disabling, preventing you from going to work, standing up straight, sitting in one […]

Bike Fit Services at Active Physical Therapy

There are many benefits to riding a bike and it can be a fun and easy way to get a little exercise in and enjoy some fresh air. Riding a bike can improve your cardiovascular fitness, strength, endurance and even your mood and mental clarity.  But what do you do if riding your bike causes pain and you just can’t ride that far anymore?  Do you just need a new bike? Should something be adjusted?  How do you know? The Bike Fit experts at Active Physical Therapy have a solution for you. We will fit your bike  to you to compensate for injuries, pain, or annoyances.   Does your neck hurt on long straight aways? Numbness and tingling in your hands? Knee pain with hill climbs? Low back pain or even saddle soreness that isn’t from first ride of the season? All of these things can be tied to your […]

Kinesiotaping at Active Physical Therapy

What is that colorful tape everyone is wearing? You’ve probably seen it on athletes on television. Maybe your friends and family have watched a YouTube video and tried it themselves, or your neighbor went to PT and had a couple of strips on his knee.  Have you ever wondered what it was?  Did it work or was it just a fad? It all began with Kinesio tape®, an elastic adhesive tape that was originally developed in Japan in the 1970’s. Since, it has expanded to include more than 20 different brands of tape and counting, each with their own niche.  The Kinesio tape® brand has been the most researched, and will be the one discussed most in this article. Kinesio tape is latex free, hypoallergenic, water-resistant, and wearable for days at a time.  Its uses and purposes vary, including muscle inhibition or facilitation, swelling reduction, pain alleviation, providing correction to […]

Aqua Therapy Services and Active Physical Therapy

Water has been – and remains – one of the best environments to achieve full function regardless of the injury. Water improves motion and flexibility and has a relaxation effect on the body which decreases pain and muscle tension.  The natural buoyancy reduces compressive forces and impact on the joints, hence making exercises much easier to perform than on land. What to Expect When walking into the HydroWorx pool at Active Physical Therapy, you are treated to smells of not the expected chlorine, but to bromine, a chemical not as harsh to the skin or the nose as chlorine. Depending on patient needs, the water is kept at a temperature between 82 and 96 degrees for therapeutic purposes. A physical therapist or physical therapy assistant will take you through a series of personalized exercises designed to help meet your goal for rehab of your injury. You will work one-on-one with your therapist for […]

Physical Therapy business puts down roots in the Country Village

We held a ribbon cutting to celebrate purchasing our building in the Country Village.  Thanks to ABC 10 for attending the ribbon cutting!  You can read the story here.

Active Welcomes Balanced Body Physical Therapy

Join us at our clinic at 1455 Fair Avenue in Marquette as we welcome Jeannie Wagner, PT, DPT, CLT-LANA and Laurie Smith, PT, to Active Physical Therapy. Jeannie and Laurie have provided physical Therapy services at Balanced Body Physical Therapy to the Marquette Community for many years, and now are bringing their expertise to Active Physical Therapy! Light refreshments will be served.

Active Physical Therapists featured in the Kineso Newsletter

Kinesio News Letter – December 13, 2016 Tuesday, December 13, 2016 “Healthy tissue fluids are like clear streams of water; they move easily.” -Dr. Kenzo Kase CKTPs  Excel at Events in their Local Areas Here’s one example!   Jaime Green writes: On September 2nd 2016, the expo for the 7th annual Marquette Marathon, ½ Marathon, and 5K race was held in Marquette, MI. In total 1,100 runners were registered and enjoyed a scenic run through the beautiful upper peninsula of Michigan. The course boasts an elevation drop of 1037 feet  for the marathon and is one of the fastest Boston qualifying courses. It is gaining popularity and bringing lots of visitors to the area.  We were fortunate enough to have a booth to discuss the purposes and benefits of using Kinesio Taping with many of the athletes and some of their family members too. We had two CKTPs on hand from […]

Keeping up on Posture

Check out our own Kristy Kerkela who was asked by TV6 to talk about posture issues on the news tonight!  Good job, Kristy – and it sure looked like our partner Wendi Thomas was also making a cameo appearance! Click here to watch!  

Active Physical Therapy Encourages Warming Up Before Biking

Hear what Lisa LaBar had to say about biking in this great community of ours.  We hope everyone has a chance to get active outdoors this coming weekend! Click here to read or listen to Lisa’s interview on Sunny 101.9!